Saturday, August 12, 2006


Okay, for those of who don't know any Koreans or haven't been here. Most Koreans can't make the 'V' sound so when they say victory, it sounds like bictory. And since I live here in Korea, I thought it made sense to title this blog that way. I fianlly got my links to work!!! muahahahaha... Kris, thanks for prodding me to take a fresh look at them to make them work. Ha ha ha. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Okay, time to actually get some real work done.


1 comment:

AprilMay said...

Yay for Kris! Booooo for April, whose only excuse for not helping with the links is that her Mother-in-law was here visiting.

Actually, that's a pretty damn good excuse. ;)