Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Feels like a life time...

It almost feels like a lifetime since I last posted a blog on here. I guess I have just been so busy with my work, my new relationship and all of that to really get online, but then I read my friends' lovely blogs and I realize that it would be a good thing to keep in touch. I almost forgot the password for this account but by some miracle I remembered it...
So I am back folks... not that anyone reads this!! hehehe

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Planning the Next Move...

Okay, I've been in Korea for about 8 years now and I think it is enough. I love it here, really, I do but I think it is time for a change. Perhaps another international posting or even going back to Canada. I know my friends Sherilyn and Samantha are holding their breath starting as soon as they read the Canada bit, but really ladies, don't hold your breath... I've got until June left on my current contract!! :) But when I think about it, I haven't worked at home in 9 years. I've been in Korea or Oman that entire time. I've only got one year logged in education in Canada. My struggle with going home is landing a job in a timely manner and the costs involved in going home... I mean... there is the house (covered in international contracts), the car (usually not necessary in overseas job placements), and the loss of being extraordinary because I live somewhere besides Canada. *sigh* I don't know... but I do know that things in Korea are coming to a close for me. The future is wide open, scary and a little like jumping off a cliff... but isn't that kinda exciting!?!? So, if you are keen... check out my new website I am building in order to sell myself as a top educator out there. It is still under MAJOR construction at the moment, but I am working on it... :)


Saturday, August 25, 2007

Another year

Another year older and certainly not wiser... hehehe. Does anyone ever feel wiser when they age? I don't even feel older for the most part. That is, until I hop up to the gym and try and keep up with the 20 year olds and suddenly I've turned 95!! hehehe So, here it is my 32nd birthday and it's more of a non-event and I kinda like it that way... But I would like some wisdom to kick in, that'd be nice.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Wow... so don't get me wrong once you read this. I love kids... I love being an auntie to my brother's kids and all my friends' kids... but I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE KIDS!!! I think that after eating, breathing and sleeping kids for 180 days of the year, I just don't want to deal with them. I don't want to hear the sound of a whine, whimper or cry when I am in a restaurant or somewhere else that I think should be equally quiet. I know it sounds harsh and cold... but it isn't. I do love kids. I love to cuddle with them, read to them, have them read to me, play with them, talk with them, write them letters and all that stuff... but once I am on holidays and at a beach or something, I DO NOT want to hear them... see them sure, but not hear them. You know that old saying: "Kids should be seen and not heard." My parents used to say that to my brother as I as kids and I used to get offended, feeling like they thought I was an inferior person or something just because I was a child... but now I realise they were just looking out for the fragile psyche of all those adults who had chosen a life without children of their own. Iam one of those people. I've never really wanted children, and while I think babies etc are cute, I do not want to hold them or carry them or be drooled on by them... So yea, time with my brother's kids and my friends' kids have really helped to cement in my mind that while I would make a pretty awesome mom, I DON'T WANT TO BE A MOM!!
Good thing I am still single then, eh? hehehehe

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Too private

Sounds intriguing, that title, doesn't it? Well... it isn't anything special. I just thought I should explain why I haven't been blogging. All the stuff I want to write about it too personal and close to my mind and heart to lay out there for the public. Lately, I've been doubting some things and people around me and it is causing some turmoil. Do I doubt with good reason... sure. Does it suck to doubt... SURE! I'm having to think hard about what I want and how I want to get that, and I think I have come to a decision, but I don't want to be rash... so cryptic, I know. *sigh* no worries, it isn't anything life shattering... it is just part of daily life. ^^

Saturday, May 19, 2007

cross-roads and confusion

Have you ever reached a stage in your life where you are unsure of what you want or where to go? Lots of little events and circumstances in my life have kind of brought me to that point... and while it sucks, I am sure I will grow from it. ^^

I have things to write about stuff I have been doing around Seoul, but I want to load pics to go with it... so be patient with me kids!! hehehe. I will get to it soon, but didn' t want anyone to think I dropped off the face of the earth. Just been busy and confused!! :)

Saturday, April 21, 2007


You know, usually I just delete all forwards that end up in my email inbox unless they come from Ali, my mom or someone that just doesn't send them often. Today I got one from my friend Sonya (Shawanda... to those of you who know her alter-ego) and it really touched me... if you didn't get a forward from me or you deleted it... please check it out here. It's good stuff.
