Friday, September 08, 2006

Random Weirdos

Okay... so I belong to a couple of websites for meeting people. Lots of times, it is just interesting people who want to be friends and sometimes there are the freaks. I have managed to avoid most of those and never meet them in person. But I did start emailing some guy and we had one or two conversations and it just wasn't working. We rubbed each other the wrong way. No big deal. So then I get a mass email from a former student and it sends out to your list when you open it. He was still on my list and sends me some nasty reply about how I don't know how to have relationships of substance since I sent out a forward. SO I sent a reply to him asking why he was so rude. He proceeds to tell me that I am the rude one and so on and so on... random weirdness...

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