Thursday, October 12, 2006

Work, Work, Work!!

You know, usually I look at October as a fun month where the kids and I have settled into the classroom groove. But not so this month. We just finished a week of Chusok holidays (not that I am complaining) and I am back at work working tirelessly. Well, that isn't entirely true, I work like that but I AM TIRED!! I have to coach still, begin work on the pre-assignments for my next masters class, buy a pressie for my nephew and a late pressie for my neice, attend a wedding, two birthday parties, a team dinner, a Gi Therapy session (more on this when I know what it is... alternative medicine for back problems etc) and plan for a sub so that I can attend a full weekend + training session... and that is just the stuff I have to do this weekend. *sigh* But it is all good, at least I am not bored, right?


AprilMay said...

HA HA HA! I USED to think not being bored was good. Now, I LONG for the boredom-ness. I want to just sit and STARE AT THE WALL. I want to wander aimlessly around my house with NOTHING TO DO. This month has been so busy that I feel like I haven't even been TEACHING. I am more like, "Activities Coordinator" or something. And, I am hating this Master's degree thing. I think that doing this for the next two and a half years makes me want to just RIP OFF MY FACE and die.

AprilMay said...

I AM SO BAD! I have not sent you ANYTHING yet, and I still have all their postcards in my desk drawer!! I think I will wait and get your box, and then send you something GOOD! I can have them write new letters in reply to yours, and attach the postcards to the letters. :)