Monday, July 31, 2006

Ex-boyfriends and blogs...

So, today I got an email from one of my old uni roomies... I miss her (Hi Kris) and she said she was having trouble getting in to MSN Spaces... I thought I was the only one. And then she said that she began using this site for her blogs... funny thing is that my good friend April uses this site too... and so does my friend Katrina... so, I dumped MSN Spaces like a bad boyfriend and here I am. Wish me luck in the new space, I'll have a space warming soon... complete with photos!! ha ha ha.


Katrina said...

Welcome to blogger! I have added you to my blogroll. :)I also had difficulty with your previous site, BTW.

AprilMay said...

Welcome to the dark side! :) Dark as in, rich, shimmering chocolate, not evil Vadar stuff. Although, if I were a Super Hero, I would want THE FORCE to be my power. Like, I am FORCE WOMAN or something. "FW".
Geez, that is SO not even close to being cool. Sigh.

Kristen said...

I'm so glad you joined me! I'm determined, like you, not to go back to spaces! AGGGHHH! what a headache! I'm learning HTML slowly but surely, I've definately figured out how to add links (and have you on there! Yay!)
Love Ya!